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News Release

Release #01.28
April 2, 2001

ALPA Board Approves Comair Pilot Strike Benefit

WASHINGTON, D.C.---The governing board of the Air Line Pilots Association has approved accelerated strike benefits for Comair pilots.

Ballots counted today in Washington showed overwhelming approval by ALPA’s Board of Directors to implement the union’s $1400 monthly strike benefit, and to reduce the waiting period from 35 to 14 days.

Comair pilots went on strike on Monday of last week, following three years of fruitless negotiations with their management.

Ironically, the standard ALPA strike benefit exceeds the pay rate for new Comair pilots, now set at $14,500 per year. Senior Comair jet captains top out at about $70,000 under the existing contract.

Issues in the strike include compensation, retirement benefits, working conditions, and job security.

ALPA represents 59,000 airline pilots at 49 airlines in the U.S. and Canada. Its Web site is http://cf.alpa.org.

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ALPA CONTACT: Capt. Paul Lackie, (859) 282-2534