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News Release

Release #01.57
June 4, 2001

Media Advisory: Sporty’s Pilot Shop Owner to Present Check to Show Support for Striking Comair Pilots’ Families

In a show of support of the striking pilots of Comair, on June 5, Hal Shevers, owner of Sporty’s Pilot Shop, will present a $10,000 check during a formal presentation to pilot representatives at Sporty’s headquarters at the Clermont County Airport in Batavia, Ohio. The money will be deposited in the Comair Pilots’ Family Fund, which provides financial assistance to Comair pilot families in need.

"Since the Comair pilots went on strike on March 26, the outpouring of support from other Comair employees, our neighbors and friends, and local businesses in the Cincinnati area have truly made a difference," said Capt. Sandi Hammons, chairman of the Comair pilots’ Family Awareness Committee. "Knowing that our community stands behind the Comair pilots who are walking the line has been a tremendous morale booster during this difficult time in our professional lives."

The Comair pilots have been in contract negotiations since June 1998, in mediation since July 1999, and went on strike on March 26, 2001.

EVENT: $10,000-check presentation by Hal Shevers, owner, Sporty’s Pilot Shop, for the Comair Pilots’ Family Fund

DATE: Tuesday, June 5, 2001

TIME: 2 p.m.

LOCATION: Sporty’s Pilot Shop headquarters, Clermont County Airport, Batavia, Ohio


Contact: Captain Max Roberts, 859-380-4405