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News Release

Release #02.097
November 6, 2002

ALPA Applauds Collenette Action on Airport Security

WASHINGTON, D.C.---The Air Line Pilots Association congratulates Canada's Transport Minister David Collenette for adopting 21 recommended enhancements to airport security, including a form of "universal access" identification card long sought by the Association.

Although the Association eagerly awaits details of the implementation of the plan, this represents a major step toward providing needed improvements to security at the nation’s airports.

ALPA actively participated in the Aviation Security Advisory Committee and the Airport Security Working Group. In particular, ALPA put forward extensive arguments in favor of a National Pass System using biometrics that would apply to airport and airline employees and that would be under the responsibility of the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA). ALPA also made formal submissions before Canadian parliamentary committees recommending this system as a necessary requirement to improve airport security and facilitate pilot access to their aircraft.

The union is particularly pleased that Transport Canada has moved forward with plans to provide airport and airline workers with the National Pass System. It would greatly enhance security and also eliminate the need for employees to carry multiple identification cards when flying to different airports. Although the U.S. Transportation Security Administration appears to be headed toward a similar move for U.S. airports and airlines, it has yet to make such an announcement.

ALPA represents 66,000 airline pilots at 43 airlines, including more than 2,000 pilots at five Canadian air carriers. Its Web site is

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ALPA CONTACT: Art LaFlamme. (613) 569-5668