Opening Remarks by Capt. Jay Heppner
9/11 Memorial Service
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Good morning. It is said that the passing of time heals all wounds. But the terrorist attacks which took place 12 years ago took away friends, fellow employees and family members. That day forever left a scar on our nation’s psyche that has changed our way of life in countless ways. It is impossible to forget the events of 9/11. The images of that day are permanent fixtures in our memories; reminders of the pain and loss that was experienced by all of us.

Each year, we make the pilgrimage here to the ALPA International 9/11 Memorial not only to mourn the loss of our brothers on that dark day, but to renew our promise to sustain their memories.

Time does not heal all wounds. As Rose Kennedy once said, “The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone.”

That determination can be seen in efforts to preserve the memories of our fallen brother aviators. The establishment and growth of foundations, scholarships, memorials and other charitable endeavors in their names assure that the lives of these fellow pilots will never be forgotten. Perhaps the best way to honor their legacies is to ensure that the tragedy we all experienced 12 years ago will never again happen. As an association, as a labor union, as pilots and as ALPA staff who work beside us each day, we owe it to ourselves, our loved ones, and all who lost their lives on that day to remain vigilant and dedicated, and to continue advocating for the safest and most secure skies we can provide to our passengers and fellow crewmembers.

While remembering all who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, let us honor the memories of the following crewmembers and employees from United Flight 93, United Flight 175, American Flight 11 and American Flight 77.

United Flight 93:
Captain Jason Dahl
First Officer LeRoy Homer, Jr.
Flight Attendant Lorraine Bay
Flight Attendant Sandra Bradshaw
Flight Attendant Wanda Green
Flight Attendant CeeCee Lyles
Flight Attendant Deborah Welsh

United Flight 175:
Captain Victor Saracini
First Officer Michael Horrocks
Flight Attendant Robert Fangman
Flight Attendant Amy Jarret
Flight Attendant Amy King
Flight Attendant Kathryn Laborie
Flight Attendant Alfred Marchand
Flight Attendant Michael Tarrou
Flight Attendant Alicia Titus
Customer Service Representative Marianne MacFarlane
Customer Service Representative Jesus Sanchez

American Flight 11:
Captain John Ogonowski
First Officer Thomas McGuinness
Flight Attendant Barbara Arestegui
Flight Attendant Jeffrey Collman
Flight Attendant Sara Low
Flight Attendant Karen Martin
Flight Attendant Kathleen Nicosia
Flight Attendant Betty Ong
Flight Attendant Jean Roger
Flight Attendant Dianne Snyder
Flight Attendant Madeline Sweeney

American Flight 77:
Captain Charles Burlingame
First Officer David Charlebois
Flight Attendant Michele Heidenberger
Flight Attendant Jennifer Lewis
Flight Attendant Kenneth Lewis
Flight Attendant Renee May

Thank you. We will never forget.